Friday 17 June 2016

wk 7 t2 reflection


Walt to use five times facts  to work out the problems.

This week for maths we got this website called  khan academy it is a web site for math it gives you videos that you need to watch  if you don't you will probley get the answer wrong  



For writing we had to make up a show not tell I will show you mine


My Walt for literacy is to infer and support with evidence.

This week for reading we had to do an activity it was OK it was't that hard hears a photo.  


  1. Hello my name is Cohen.
    I like how you set out your work it was good but next time you could make your work a bit smaller
    will you do your blog on thing link next time?

  2. Hello Levi, This is Megan. I like the way you have put screen shots of your work on to the blog post. Maybe next time you could make your show not tell a little bit smaller.Do you like using thing link or normal blog post?

  3. Hi Levi
    I really like your W7 blog post. My Favorite post was your show not tell writing. Next time you could finish your comprehension infer and support with evidence.
    What was your favorite post in the reflection?


  4. Hi Levi
    I like your show not tell maby you could fix up where your fullstops are. Is the emotion you are trying to describe fear.

  5. Franklin the emotion is scared not fear


Thank-you for your positive, thoughtful, helpful comment.